sketch of a country churchFunks Grove Church
             & Chapel in the Trees





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Funks Grove

Chapel of the Chapel of the Templed Trees
Templed Trees

Setting of many outdoor weddings, this sanctuary in the woods was inspired by the Reverend Loyal Morris Thompson.  The chapel was developed with the help of the Funk and Stubblefield families.  The pews are logs made of American Red Elm, and the pulpit is a tree stump.

The path to the Chapel in the trees is located across the road from the picnic shelter.

Chapel of the Templed Treessign to Chapel in the Trees
O the sweep of the living pillars
In my chapel of Templed trees-
My eyes wander wistfully upward
To its ceiling of branches and leaves.

Its frescoes no artist can copy
Everchanging each season made new,
Its green, its gold and its snowflake
And above hang the lamps in the blue.

Kingly towers the oak at the altar,
On whose form the centuries looked down,
Through blue nights and grueling tempests
Proudly wearing its high-crested crown.

When the spirit stirs in the woodland,
On the wings of the whispering breeze
Come the notes of sylvan harps playing
To the rhythm of slow swaying trees.

Every weed, every bush, every flowerI come here to find myself.  It is so easy to get lost in the world.
Bows its head in a worshipper's role
As Christ walks the aisles of the forest
Bearing bread and the wine for the soul.